Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Hotness in a truck!!

Yeah, saw the test shot images of the Classics Optimus Prime. (was Neo-G1 Prime) Good golly, that thing is pure love. When they have it in a decent pose, it really makes it way cooler. There are a few minor changes from Don's lineart, but that's to be expected. I really really like that he comes with a choice of weapons, instead of just one gun that detracts from the robot mode when he holds it, like Galaxy Convoy. Or one that detracts from the alt mode, like energon Prime. Or a gun that is an undersized pea shooter, like RiD Prime. Or one that doesn't attach at all, like G1 Prime. Yup, Classics Prime is definitely the best! Hastaktomy has done it again!! Now, to find one on the shelves......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree its the best prime to date, he still nees a trailer, granted the toy verson of WW Prime doesnt but it still would be kool though