Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Scorponok, BoooooooOoooooooOOoooOooO!!!

So, I just went to TFW2005 again, and what awaited but more amazing Transformers the Movie news! I load it up, and I'm like, "Woah! Movie Scorponok! That's really cool looking! He looks better with color than he does without it!"

Scorponok is one of the Decepticons that apparently shows up early in the movie and chases down a bunch of Marines, making them all crap their collective pants. Of course, being Marines, they can't acknowledge the fact that they were scared spitless, but we know the truth. "Uh, it was a STRATEGIC RETREAT, sir!" Scorponok apparently seperated from the character Blackout, who turns into a helicopter. This is supposed to explain the airframe markings all over it.

Then I scrolled down to the robot modes.

And I said, "!......................................................................................................?"

Yeah, I was actually left speechless after seeing them. This is, without a doubt, the crappiest actual transformer that I have ever seen. Go Bots were better. McDonalds Kids Meal TFs are better. I mean, you rotate down his head, fold down his legs, and reposition his arms. That's all! I don't even have words right now to say how incredibly lame that is.

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